Monthly Archives: August 2009

What’s been going on at my home…








This was a sewing project that I was working on.  I am NOT a sewer, I am still learning.  I ripped it apart many times.  I would like to thank everyone that was on-call, ready for me to call with my questions.  I had a lot of people who are ready every time I take on a sewing project.  Though it looks like an easy project, it was a little challenging for me.  I am so happy to have it done though.  Addi Kay will have a pretty dress for next spring!!!










This was the pumpkin that I thought was gong to break my 85 lb. record.  As you can see it is already changing colors and NOT 85 lbs. if I had to take a guess.  Now I am focusing on others that are large.  They are still growing and have a little longer to do so.  Maybe they will break a record?











These are some carrots that I had pulled for my neighbors.  I had no luck with carrots last year, so I am pretty excited to be doing good in the carrot department this year.









This is my Addi Kay with some of our peppers.  I have had some issues with blossom end rot on the peppers and tomatoes, but these ones were fine.

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Filed under By the Way..., It WILL Grow

My Garden

I thought I would give everyone an update on my garden as of today.  We have been having storms lately (thunder, lightening, wind & rain).  I have read that other gardens have been traumatized by them, but somehow mine has come out just fine. 

 I am currently trying to figure out what additive my plants are needing now.  I am having a little trouble with blossom end rot.  I noticed it a little on my tomatoes, but mostly with my peppers.  About a month ago I dug holes next to each of my tomatoes and placed banana peels in them.  I think they really liked that. 

The corn is doing well, nothing exciting to report on it yet.
The tomatoes are loving the heat and see to be doing very well.  Just waiting on RED ones.
The peppers are going crazy, but I need to address the blossom end rot with them.  I have a lot of flowers on the banana peppers but no peppers yet.  All the others have been producing.

The potatoes are popping out of the ground, some still green.  I just keep covering them up.  I think between the storms and the hens they have had a little help finding their way out of the soil.
The carrots are doing great.  I pull one every once in a while just to see.
Pumpkins are taking off.  I have quite a few.  A couple are turning already.  My JUMBO one that I have been waiting on is finally getting big.  Wasn’t the plant that I thought it was going to be though.  Oh well!  As long as I get one HUGE one, I am happy.

The gourds, like the pumpkins are doing great.
The strawberries took a bit of a hiatus, but are on their way back, I think I will have some that need to be picked today.

The snap peas have just started producing.  I just picked my first 3 this morning.

Cucumbers are good.  Picked my first lemon cucumber today.

The onions are getting bigger.

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Filed under It WILL Grow