Tag Archives: lettuce

My Garden

I thought I would give everyone an update on my garden as of today.  We have been having storms lately (thunder, lightening, wind & rain).  I have read that other gardens have been traumatized by them, but somehow mine has come out just fine. 

 I am currently trying to figure out what additive my plants are needing now.  I am having a little trouble with blossom end rot.  I noticed it a little on my tomatoes, but mostly with my peppers.  About a month ago I dug holes next to each of my tomatoes and placed banana peels in them.  I think they really liked that. 

The corn is doing well, nothing exciting to report on it yet.
The tomatoes are loving the heat and see to be doing very well.  Just waiting on RED ones.
The peppers are going crazy, but I need to address the blossom end rot with them.  I have a lot of flowers on the banana peppers but no peppers yet.  All the others have been producing.

The potatoes are popping out of the ground, some still green.  I just keep covering them up.  I think between the storms and the hens they have had a little help finding their way out of the soil.
The carrots are doing great.  I pull one every once in a while just to see.
Pumpkins are taking off.  I have quite a few.  A couple are turning already.  My JUMBO one that I have been waiting on is finally getting big.  Wasn’t the plant that I thought it was going to be though.  Oh well!  As long as I get one HUGE one, I am happy.

The gourds, like the pumpkins are doing great.
The strawberries took a bit of a hiatus, but are on their way back, I think I will have some that need to be picked today.

The snap peas have just started producing.  I just picked my first 3 this morning.

Cucumbers are good.  Picked my first lemon cucumber today.

The onions are getting bigger.

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Filed under It WILL Grow

My Garden

For what it matters, I thought that I would let you know how my garden is doing.  It has finally hit the taking off point.  The garden has erupted and I love it.  Of course now I look at things and think about the way I should have done them and will do them differently next year.  I don’t know about all of you, but it seems like all I ever say is “next year I will…”  Kind of makes me laugh.

I took pictures three weeks ago and again this evening

The sunflowers 3 weeks ago

The sunflowers todayIMG_2108IMG_2109

The garden 3 weeks ago


The garden today


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Filed under By the Way..., It WILL Grow

Container Garden… again

Just thought I would let all of you know what is growing best in my garden.  Hint, it isn’t IN my garden.  I have a few pots filled with salad mixes along my walk way, up to my front door.  My house faces East, so they get the cool morning sun.  Being a cool weather crop, that makes them oh so happy.  I have a few little hoppy friends that have made themselves a home deep in the jungle of the pot.  I don’t mind, and my daughter has to say “Hi froggy” every time we walk by.  So again, don’t have room for a garden?  Sure you do.  Put it in a pot, and it’s not to late for some of it

.Picture of kids 1022Picture of kids 1021

Picture of kids 1024


Filed under It WILL Grow

Limited Space Strawberry Patch


My Aunt Linda is the one to thank for this post.  She is one of those people who’s wheels are always turning.  Every time I see her I just want to pick her brain even though I know that I cant possibly absorb everything she has to offer.  She is a wonderful resource and is always coming up with great ideas.  She had seen a Strawberry Tower in a catalog and knew she could make that! 

She was able to get 10 feet of culvert for free, the place even cut it in half so she could put it in her vehicle.  So off Linda went with 2, 5 ft sections of 14 in culvert.  Origionally it was black , but she didn’t want it to absorb to much heat, so she spray painted it with that Fusion paint that adheres to plastic.  She then dug a hole about 6 inches deep to put it in for stabilization.  Uncle Lonnie drilled 3 inch holes all around.  Linda did say that she wished that the holes were not so lined up and more uneven.  She began the planting portion by running a drip line up the culvert and gradually filling with aged compost.  When she got to a hole she had lids from larger yogurt containers cut in half, and placed them in on angles to keep the soil in.  She then put the plant in the hole securely and worked her way up to the next whole. 

What you do not see in the pictures is that Linda knew that the back side wouldn’t get as much light as the side we can see.  On that side she planted lettuce.  I spoke with her tonight and she said that since this picture was taken two weeks ago, the plants have about doubled in size.  She has already harvested some of that lettuce. 

I hope that someone out there gives this a try.  It is a great idea for those who might  not have much space or just don’t want to be bending over to pick those berries.  I look forward to hearing from those of you that do give it a try.  I am putting it on my to-do list, I cant wait to try this one! 



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